
Which Project?

So recently I’ve been thinking that I should really spend some time on just one project and see what I could get done/achieve the rest of the year. My problem I feel at the moment is I’m just dipping my toe in each and not really getting anything done in the time I have recently.…
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A500 Mini Review

So I thought I’d do a quick review of the system, basically It’s what you expect really, it’s a well-built mini replica of the Amiga A500, but missing one crucial thing out of the box, that is the A500 was A COMPUTER!!!  Not just any computer but one of the best home computers, this A500…
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AmigaONE X1000 10 Year Anniversary Thoughts

So just over 10 years ago, I bought a new Amiga, the AmigaOne x1000. It had a lot of promises, to push the Amiga platform to the next generation of computing. Dual-core support, 64bit CPU and this weird custom chip, Xmos. It all sounded very exciting, OS4 also got Firefox port at this time and…
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Cloanto should be doing more

Update2: Some of the information and suggestion in this Blog Post actually apply to Amiga Corp and not Cloanto, so to call it “Cloanto should be doing more” might of been a mistake. I was lucky enough to discussion some of these point with CEO of both companies, Mike Battilan at Kickstart 1 Uk Amiga…
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Easiest way to run Amiga Games

So this time next year we will have a product on the market that will likely be the easiest way to run Amiga games (the A500 mini), but before it arrives I thought Id show off some of the easiest ways to run Amiga Games Today! Internet Archive A huge collection of Amiga software…
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A500 Mini – Amiga Return to the High Street!

So recently in the Amiga world we had the exiting news that finally Amiga will be back on the high street, maybe not as a brand new Next Generation Amiga able to show PC & Mac users how computing should be done as some of us dream about, but as a Mini Amiga 500 computer…
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AmigaOS4 & PPC Future?

It is a shame about what’s happened to AmigaOS4 and AmigaONE market, I feel for the size of the market, the level of investment it had its kind of amazing by what has been achieved. Just think we had Eyetech dodgy development boards, OS4 lawsuit, PowerPC AIM ending (arguably the ending of true PowerPC consumer…
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2021 Plans for AmigaNG

So it the year 2021, Amiga is still here and there one great community behind it. Its kinda of amazing in a way when you look and think about at how much the official Amiga IP owners has missed so many opportunity and have wasted so much time. I still believe Amiga is the best…
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Raspberry Pi & Amiga

More details on a new page here Hardware: Rasberry Pi & Amiga Most people in the tech world know about this tiny all in one Arm powered computer, price from as low as £7 for the pi zero. There has been many interesting little projects that have come out of the Pi thanks to its…
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