Its kinda amazing…

You know, sometime it’s kinda amazing what still goes on in the Amiga World. In a way I feel for the size of its market and what happened to it official owners and lack of any real direction of the platform for the last 30 years, the division that created, the lack of sometime progress to push the platform forward it’s amazing were still here and anyone reading this. But people are still here and are reading. Not only that but people are still holding User Group meetings, putting on Amiga Shows, Amiga magazine are still being made, new software and hardware is being made for the platform and their so many choices and ways to enjoy the Amiga platform now.
So I just want to say again, thank you to all the Devs, Users, Website runner, Magazine Writers, Hardware nuts and Fans. Thank for still being here and still remembering when Computing was Fun!
What’s inspired me to write that was largely Trever Speech at Amiwest 2024, “What is the Amiga in 2024?”
It really gives a great overview of the range of choices and whats a Amiga is today. I also had a look at what been going on in the Amiga world recently, brief list
AmigaOS4.1 Update coming soon
Wipeout Rewrite for OS4 release
Aros got a nice Odyssey 2.0 browser Webkit update Released
Amikit XE a x86 Bootable from USB Released
Worms DC 1.5 – For Worms 30th, Coming Soon
Directory Opus got a surprised updated after years of inactivity
Amigakit’s A600GS continues to gets Updates
There likely more I missed, but all these caught my eye, not bad for a supposed dead platform, so again, I just want to say it a great time to be an Amiga fan and the choice and ranges of options have never been so crazy. Thanks all.