2021 Plans for AmigaNG

So it the year 2021, Amiga is still here and there one great community behind it. Its kinda of amazing in a way when you look and think about at how much the official Amiga IP owners has missed so many opportunity and have wasted so much time. I still believe Amiga is the best Operating system, computer and community I been lucky to be part of in the IT world.
When you look and use things like Amikit XE it really show you how much a OS that was made in 1993 can be pushed, compare it to other Operating system of that time, remember this is even before Windows 95! Yes we had a lot of add-ons and patches and stolen a few ideas and put them into the OS largely the pushing of the OS forward has been a community effort.
At the very end of 2020 we got some good news and finally AmigaOS4 got a update! OS4.1 Final Edition Update 2, I think its very likely that the Enhancer Pack will also get an update very soon, we got news that a few Sam460 are going to be made and I think will all really hope to see the A1222 this year. So it good to see the AmigaONE & OS4 markets are still being worked on, it has felt the last year or two not much was going on in that market so pleased to see these developments.
However I feel that I might shift focus slightly, I still want to see AmigaOS move forward and I would love to see a revival to the brand / market. But the low cost and power of ARM computers are pretty amazing, we are now beginning to see a shift in the computer world from x86 to Arm, like Apple is doing and the mobile phone industry is still pushing ARM to do more and more.
Amiga support on ARM via emulation and Aros is improving all the time and I think the Amiga is the perfect fun classic OS for a system like the Pi, the Pi4/Pi400 is fast enough to match the fastest classic Amiga and programs/pre-config OS like Amikit x or coffinOS really demonstrate how great the Amiga could be on a system like this.
Its a shame that OS4 is tied to PowerPC, I feel that its CPU future is not look as a half as interesting as ARM will be, I hope in 2021 the current Amiga Ip battles will be over and we see some exciting new Amiga projects.
My plans in 2021 is to try and make better Youtube vids, to highlight some of the above and to do what I can to support these efforts. I want to try and make either a game or app this year for the Amiga platform and of course continue to do the odd update on this website.
So let hope things get better and best of luck to everyone in 2021.